Excerpt from the NIV Once-A-Day Devotional for Women.
You, LORD, keep my lamp burning;
my God turns my darkness into light.
With your help I can advance against a troop;
with my God I can scale a wall.
As for God, his way is perfect:
The LORD's word is flawless;
he shields all who take refuge in him.
Psalm 18:28–30
All of us have experienced times when our lives grew dark — when hope seemed futile, when confusion set in, when we felt alone. David knew how dark life could seem at times. When he wrote this prayer, the memories of fleeing in terror from King Saul's manhunt and hiding in dark, damp caves were fresh in his mind.
Yet, he focused on God's light in his life — the light that dispelled the confusion of darkness. With this light, David saw clearly that God's way was perfect, even if it brought him through dark and dangerous valleys. God would always prove himself true to his promises. God would always be with him to protect him.
When you are traveling a dark road, remind yourself of David's experience with God — of how God led him through those dark places. Use David's prayer to remind yourself of God's light in your life.
Dear Lord, thank you for lighting up my darkness...
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(Image and some styling above are web-exclusive features not included in the text of Once-A-Day Devotional for Women. Image by Infrogmation; Common factory-produced brass olive oil lamp from Italy, c. late 1800s to 1900; photo illuminated with light from lamp; via Wikimedia Commons. This post does not represent the views of Zondervan or any of its representatives. The writer's personal opinions are shared only for information purposes. To receive new Zondervan Blog posts in your reader or email inbox, subscribe to Zondervan Blog.)