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« Smell of Dirt and Magnify the Lord [Excerpt by Ann Voskamp] | Main | Re:Word Weekly - 2/24/12 »

February 24, 2012


You are right Phillip. Here in north east india, where we, a former pagan and headhunter, but now 100% christian experience the growing of God's kingdom. Now the kingdom of God's root spreads among the drugs addicts, prostitutes and even to militants (of course NE India is famous for its mititantcy). I used to preach to drugs addicts and prostitutes where someone dare not go near. But it is my faith and belief that the kingdom is not only for church goers, but for every mankind. Let's roll our sleeves and continue...

Rev. Sanate, thank you so much for sharing your experience! And thank you for your faithfulness and courage in preaching the gospel. Your story encourages others to "roll up our sleeves" and continue...

Thank you!


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