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(Excerpt by N. T. Wright, from his DVD Group Study Surprised by Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection, and the Mission of the Church.)
It is easy to look at our life and the small contribution one person can offer and wonder if we can make a difference. Like one stone in a large cathedral, we can seem small and inconsequential, to ourselves and sometimes to others. But God does not see us this way. In the heart of God, we are partners in bringing his hope to the world.
Like one stone in a large cathedral, we can seem small and inconsequential... [But] in the heart of God, we are partners in bringing his hope to the world. |
It is not up to us to build the kingdom, but we can build for the kingdom. |
It is not up to us to build the kingdom, but we can build for the kingdom. As resurrection people who know that heaven and earth overlap, we can become agents of God's beauty in a world that needs a song, a beautiful painting, a new dance, or a heart-touching poem. We can also stand for justice in a world where injustice seems to have a vise grip on so many people.
But isn't our hope in Jesus's return?
The resurrection of Jesus does not move us to a passive and sedentary life of waiting for God to show up some day in the distant future. The hope of the resurrection inspires and empowers Christians to stand strong, work hard, pray more fervently, and live with compassion. As the power of the resurrection fills our hearts, homes, and churches, we stand firm, we let nothing move us, we always give ourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because we know our labor is not in vain! [See 1 Corinthians 15:58] ...
What we can and must do in the present, if we are obedient to the gospel, if we are following Jesus, and if we are indwelt, energized, and directed by the Spirit, is to build for the kingdom...
Where can I start?
God does not call us to do everything. But he does expect us to do our particular part in his work in this world. What is one way God has gifted and made you so that you can contribute to his plan for the church and this world?
- N.T. Wright
Question for Discussion: Which of these activities can be part of building for God's kingdom?
(A) Praying for justice
(B) Showing compassion
(C) Writing a poem
(D) Cultivating a garden
(E) Sharing the story of Jesus
I'd love to hear your thoughts. Leave a comment on this post.
- Adam Forrest, Zondervan
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Learn more about the Surprised by Hope DVD Study
Watch session 1, "Hope for the World," from N.T. Wright's Surprised by Hope DVD Study
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(Images, headers, & some styling above are web-exclusive features not included in the text of Surprised... Image attribution: stone from David's Cathdral via Wikimedia Commons; Canterbury Cathedral via paradoxplace.com. This post does not represent the views of Zondervan or any of its representatives. The writer's personal opinions are shared only for information purposes. To receive new Zondervan Blog posts in your reader or email inbox, subscribe to Zondervan Blog.)
I have begun on Facebook Ministry to Playboy a prayer outreach to models and the ladies of Playboy.The Ministry is to demonstrate the love of Jesus to these ladies;to proclaim them for the Kingdom of God.
Posted by: Ron | February 10, 2012 at 05:11 AM
I think it is A B D E.
Posted by: Daniel Harris | February 10, 2012 at 08:41 AM
I believe A-E could all be used to build the Kingdom of God. A,B and E are all obvious, I would think, but C and D require more explanation. C- "Writing a poem" may seem odd but as with popular songs we remember lyrics that we may not have even thought through. When reading a poem we generally take more time and soak it in. The Psalms have provided comfort, encouragement etc for thousands of years as well as acted to expand on our knowledge of God and His love and attributes. Contemporary poetry can likewise be used for the Kingdom. D- "Cultivating a garden" is a great way to share the miracle of life and growth with others and then used to point them to the Creator. Another use for building the Kingdom is to give flowers or vegetables from the garden to the less fortunate in essence being like Christ by providing for them and if they ask why that is an invitation to share Christ with them.
Posted by: David Woods | February 10, 2012 at 10:38 AM