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« Tough Love: Jesus and 1 Corinthians 13 [Excerpt by Craig Blomberg] | Main | Epic Love is in Little Choices [Excerpt by John & Stasi Eldredge] »

February 13, 2012


I don't normally think of Adam and Eve as a love story. Some people have speculated that the reason Adam ate the fruit was because he saw that Eve had and he didn't want to be separated from her. If that is what happened, I suppose it could be called a love story. I've never doubted that Adam loved Eve, but it is nothing like a Romance story.

Is the story of Adam and Eve a love story?

Yes, it is the oldest and most honest of all love stories. It tells how temptation can come between a couple, yet true love makes sacrifices. And that this love was unconditional, something few of us know or realize this day and time.
Adam realized his suffering would only begin the moment they left the Garden of Eden, but still he was willing to take this sacrifice, which neither of them understood the full extent until they first stepped outside of Eden. When temptation invited itself in, no one knows how they will react until they face whatever lures them.
Adam and Eve both enjoyed one of life’s little decadent pleasures and bite into the apple. (Personally I think the apple is a metaphor for taking a bite out of sexual pleasure).
If not for Adam and eve, the world as we know it today would not exist. It would perhaps truly be a garden of Eden, but who is to say, because in human nature we wish for what we do not have. Which, is what condemned Adam and Eve, and caused their exile outside of the Garden of Eden.
Their true love should have been God, not man, not temptation, but being human we fail to see where our true purpose should exist.

Kim, thank you for contributing. I haven't thought about the perspective that Adam could have expected there'd be consequences for eating the fruit of knowledge of good & evil. I guess I always assumed Adam & Eve thought they could avoid any consequences of disobedience; or they didn't think about consequences at all.

Thank you Timothy for sharing as well.

When I think about Adam and Eve, I often picture them in their latter years, lying down next to one another after a long day of toiling in the dirt for their survival. And I wonder what would have gone through their minds about the garden, their temptation, and how their relationship has been different ever since. I wonder if Eve would've read romance books before bed!

In my humble opinion, romance stories are about characters trying to recapture a slice of the garden.



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