Jesus for President: Politics for Ordinary Radicals, by Shane Claiborne, Chris Haw and Friends is embarking on a virtual Blog Tour this spring! This summer we'll be embarking on a real tour of 22 cities, which you can learn more about below. In the meantime, we don't want to wait until the summer to spread the message of Jesus for President. So, we'd like to invite you to participate in our Blog Tour this spring.
What's a Blog Tour you ask? It's quite simple. Along with your own comments on your blog, you are invited to share portions of Jesus for President's message, videos, audio, visuals, widget, tours dates, and websites on your blog. We'll outline each of these below, and then give you more details on how your blog can participate in the Jesus for President Blog Tour at the bottom of this post. We will be watching all of the blogs participating in the Blog Tour. Shane, Chris and friends will occasionally pop in and visit blogs and leave a comment in the comments section of participating blogs.
Jesus for President: Politics for Ordinary Radicals
by Shane Claiborne, Chris Haw And Friends
A different kind of campaign.
A different kind of party.
A different kind of Commander in Chief.
Amid all the buzz of politics and elections, Jesus for President is a refreshing reminder that our ultimate hope lies not in partisan political options but in the Jesus who gave his life for us. Politics for ordinary radicals who want to love the world into the kingdom of God.
Jesus for President is a radical manifesto to awaken the Christian political imagination, reminding us that our ultimate hope lies not in partisan political options but in Jesus and the incarnation of the peculiar politic of the church as a people “set apart” from this world. In what can be termed lyrical theology, Jesus for President poetically weaves together words and images to sing (rather than dictate) its message. It is a collaboration of Shane Claiborne’s writing and stories, Chris Haw’s reflections and research, and art and design.
Drawing upon the work of biblical theologians, the lessons of church history, and the examples of modern-day saints and ordinary radicals, Jesus for President stirs the imagination of what the Church could look like if it placed its faith in Jesus instead of Caesar.
A fresh look at Christianity and empire, Jesus for President transcends questions of “Should I vote or not?” and “Which candidate?” by thinking creatively about the fundamental issues of faith and allegiance. It’s written for those who seek to follow Jesus, rediscover the spirit of the early church, and incarnate the kingdom of God.
Three Degrees of Separation from Speaking of Faith on Vimeo.
Khakis, blue jeans, and dungarees graced the stage at this public event in San Diego. The generational differences between these three Evangelical leaders seemed obvious. But this lively conversation revealed a shared theology that guides these three men — Chuck Colson, Greg Boyd, and Shane Claiborne — as they interpret and live out their values in varying ways.
Here, as part of a Speaking of Faith production, Krista Tippett moderates this panel seminar at the 2008 National Pastors Convention.
Produced and edited by Trent Gilliss, Mitch Hanley, and Colleen Scheck.
What is your reaction to the discussion Chuck Colson, Greg Boyd, and Shane Claiborne have in this video? Please post up in the "Comments" section below.
Coming soon to cities across the empire…
All events begin at 7pm. Venues are posted here.
To participate in the Jesus for President Blog Tour, here are the steps:
1. Post up the subject "Jesus for President Blog Tour" and type away your comments about Jesus for President: Politics for Ordinary Radicals. If you've read the book or are reading it, please post up your review of the book.
2. In your blog posting you're encouraged to share the message, the videos, the audio, the visuals, the widget, the tours dates, and the websites on your blog - all of these can be found above. Need the embed code for the videos? You can get the codes here, here, and here.
3. In your blog posting, please do send link people to this blog posting, so that others can participate in the blog tour as well. Our permalink URL to send folks back to is:
4. Come back to this page and leave the permalink URL to your Jesus for President Blog Tour posting in our Comments. This is how Shane, Chris, and friends will be able to visit your blog.
5. We can't promise this for every blog, but on occasion Shane, Chris, or friends will leave a comment in the comments section of your blog posting on the Jesus for President Blog Tour.
6. Any questions on this blog tour? Please post them up in the comments section below, and we'll answer them there. We figure others may have the same question you do, so we'll answer it for everyone.
7. Thank you for participating in the Jesus for President Blog Tour! Let the tour begin!
great idea on the blog tour - i am in
3 questions:
are there start/stop dates or the Jesus for President Blog Tour ?
is there a consistent tag you'd like bloggers on the tour to use ?
is there outreach planned for any of the large mkt blogs (Daily Dish, Crunchy Con, David Kuo, Townhall, TPM) ?
Posted by: bob c | March 15, 2008 at 05:54 PM
Thanks Bob! Per your 3 questions:
1. We'll run the blog tour from now to June 22nd. Shane and Chris launch there cities tour then on June 23rd.
2. Tags: Jesus for President
Any other suggestions?
3. Yes, we're working on PR/outreach to larger market blogs.
Thanks for being part of this blog tour! Shane and Chris are excited about the blog tour.
Posted by: Zondervan | March 18, 2008 at 12:14 PM
I just posted an entry for the blog tour here:
I'm using it as a collector for my other postings about the book (I've already had two and there are problem more in the works) as well as posted some of the promo material. Brandon
Posted by: Brandon Jones | March 20, 2008 at 01:12 AM
Thanks for the invitation to join the blog tour. This topic is so timely! Here's the permanent URL for my contribution to the tour:
Posted by: Matt Dowling | March 20, 2008 at 11:53 AM
I've been waiting to hear someone say what Shane has said--and in the way he has said it--for a really long time.
(I'm posting the link to the blogtour on my blog.)
Thank you!!
Posted by: Tom Patterson | March 21, 2008 at 02:24 PM
While I haven’t yet read the book, my first observation about the book tour alone is that Shane Claiborne and his subversive message of radical adherence to the Way of Jesus seem like strange bedfellows when matched with Zondervan, a Christian publishing juggernaut. Even more so when, at first blush, it seems like the publisher is going for a mega media blitz by way of viral advertising, baiting bloggers like me to post links to their merchandise in exchange for the potential for wider readership and comments from Claiborne himself.
Posted by: John | March 27, 2008 at 02:00 AM
Thanks for the opportunity to join in on the blog tour; it coincides nicely with an experiment I've started called the Pentecost Project ( Shane, his first book and now this one, as well as Chris and the communities both guys live in, have been great inspirations.
Here's the permalink to my Jesus for President Blog Tour post:
Looking forward to seeing where this all goes!
Posted by: Josh Frank | March 27, 2008 at 11:19 PM
Thank you for the invitation to participate in the blog tour. I have written a post about it here:
Posted by: Jim Moss | March 31, 2008 at 01:06 AM
I am reading Jesus for President and will lead a group of people in a book study on this starting in May. I'll be writing about it again in the next few weeks again as well. Here is my first mention of it on my blog: The Metanoia.
Deana Hartman
P.S. We are screening Ordinary Radicals in September :-)
Posted by: Deana | April 10, 2008 at 11:41 PM
So here is the link. Ack!
Posted by: Deana | April 10, 2008 at 11:42 PM
Posted by: Tom Patterson | April 11, 2008 at 01:39 PM
just finished reading Shane's Irresistable Revolution book...coming unglued by the millisecond.
have Jesus for President on order...getting it tomorrow.
need to figure out how to take even the first steps in that direction...from where i am now it seems like a far journey to get where i feel is right and good for the world.
posted at:
Posted by: maryann | April 16, 2008 at 08:07 PM
Hello! I am covering the book (which is great so far) here:
Posted by: Mandy | April 17, 2008 at 03:33 PM
I have just got my hands back on the book after my 17 year old son swiped it from me to read! He loved it, I am loving it. 6 People we know want to borrow it after I am done! Read more at my blog!
Posted by: Keith Adams | April 27, 2008 at 12:13 AM
Posted by: Phil | April 29, 2008 at 07:13 PM
We are trying to get the buzz going. I am hosting a Jesus For President Bloggy Giveaway! A copy of the book is given to the winner!
Posted by: Mandy | April 30, 2008 at 11:21 AM
I'm only part way throught the book--amazing how much it affects the way you think about things!
See my postings at:
Posted by: Barbara | May 08, 2008 at 10:26 AM
i love the artwork for this book, being an artist myself. very creative. good to see in the 'christian world.' am reading the ordinary radical book, loving it too.
Posted by: ben bell | May 12, 2008 at 11:57 AM
I posted again on Jesus for President. Check it out here.
Posted by: Deana | May 14, 2008 at 12:30 AM
My review appears here:
Posted by: James | May 15, 2008 at 07:54 AM